IT-DE / DE-IT Il Nuovo dizionario di Tedesco
by AA.VV. A cura di Luisa Giacoma, Susanne Kolb
With more than 386.000 entries and meanings, this is the most complete and up-to-date dictionary for translating and understanding German.
- more than 386.000 entries and meanings
- more than 700 false friends: so as not to confuse attitudine e Attitüde, caldo e kalt
- 190 usage notes to avoid mistakes and clarify doubts, such as the difference between paar e Paar, liegen e legen, das Steuer e die Steuer
- 80 notes on German culture and civilization, on schools, festivities and history
- grammatical structures, explicitly showing government with nouns, adjectives and verbs such as mit jemandem telefonierenmit
- suggested collocations: words that are typically combined with the headword, such as die Prüfung ablegen